Keep On Keepin’ On

In these times of struggle and frustration, I think we will all fare better if we just keep trying.  Here’s how I share that message with the groups I speak for.



2 Responses to Keep On Keepin’ On

  1. Julie Trout says:


    You truly are a champion inside and your blog is such an inspiration to me as we have been facing my father in law’s cancer for the last nine months.

    Thank you for sharing yourself so that we can find ourselves in this journey!

    May God continue to bless you, Kolette, and little Cole!


  2. well, you are a champion all the time.
    1st for recovering through all those dilemmas you got through at the time and then the ones you still go through daily!
    then you are a really special Champion, cuz you became a dad and what a miracle that is within itself!

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